03 July 2011


Okay, so this post is a little bit overdue, as usual, but...

I finally found out who my roommate is! Her name is Amanda deBerardinis, and she is from San Diego. She's studying French and International Relations, and maybe Russian. Based on this self-description:

"I'm pretty quiet, studious, friendly, nice, and pretty mellow. I like to stay up late but don't drink or smoke or do any hard-core partying. I generally keep my room pretty neat but then again, sometimes it gets a little untidy haha."

I think we'll get along just fine. It also sounds like she went to a school similar to Annie Wright; she had a plaid uniform skirt and class colours. Her class colour was yellow. I am jealous. 

We're also interested in the same societies, so I really think this is a good match. 

Luckily for me, she is a blank slate for me to work with. She knows very little about Britishy-ness, has never seen Doctor Who (or any other British TV programme, I suspect) and, bless her heart, doesn't even know what Rocky Horror is. Oh, this will be fun.