26 September 2011

Sorting out my classes

Okay, so it's official. I have emailed my adviser and asked to switch to Modern History. It really is just impossible to get to the other side of town where the Linguistics class is right after my English class is over. I couldn't even do it today, when our english class consisted of only "Hi, welcome to English, fill out this form and then be on your way." Unfortunately, switching to Modern History means missing lunch. I will either have to figure out how to request a pack lunch from my hall or buy lunch everyday once English is over at 2:00. I guess this means I should start eating breakfast now. Good thing I stocked up on cereal.


PS. Why bother taking linguistics when there is Stephen Fry? See here, and here.

*Update: I am now in Modern History. Now I all I have to do is sign up for a tutorial and get a handbook.