The walrus said to talk of many things. Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax-- Of cabbages--and kings--
NO, not that.
I am finally leaving for St. Andrews today! YESSSSS! I have been waiting for over 3 months, and now it's finally here! I cannot wait to get over there and start Freshers Week, and finally feed my brain some delicious nuggets of knowledge. Yes, believe it or not, I miss school. I miss homework. I miss learning! I haven't had classes, homework, or the like since May. For me, that is a ridiculously long time. Unfortunately, I still have to wait until the end of the month for that. Luckily Fresher's Week is there to pass the time :)
Speaking of Fresher's week, it is going to be immense! The first day of Fresher's Week starts off with a Foam Party. A party with foam. I can't think of a better way to start of my uni career than a dance party in a room filled with soapy bubbles.
There's also some great football matches...not that I really know or care that much about football, it's just that the games are between some of the biggest, best and most popular teams in the United Kingdom and I feel that I need to at least participate somewhat in this aspect of British culture.
And speaking of culture, there are probably 2-3 ceilidhs going on throughout Fresher's. For those not in the know, a ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee) is basically a Scottish dance party. It features Gaelic music and dancing, and kilts. I even have a kilt for these occasions (thanks Grandma Dorris!). Normally I am opposed to dancing, but between the ceilidhs and the foam parties and the balls (more on that in a bit), I figure I'm going to have to get over it and consider this part of the re-invention of myself.
This re-invention of myself includes a (mostly) new wardrobe, because I've worm a uniform for the past 12 years of my life and therefore have no idea how to dress myself like a normal person. Make-up, because I need to look nice (this isn't a girls' school anymore, people are going to judge me based on my appearance). And, this is the big one, being less shy and approaching/talking to people with confidence. Hopefully the two previously described factors will help make this last change successful. Although it's really all down to me on that one.
As promised, this is now where I talk about the balls that the University puts on. High schools have dances, St Andrews has balls. The Opening Ball is like their version of Homecoming. It's in early October, and I already have my ticket for it. As for a date, either the above re-inventions of myself will secure that, or it will be like high school and I will go with a bunch of (female) friends. There will be many balls throughout the year at St Andrews, so I'll have more chances to have a date.
Lastly, Fresher's will be the time when I communicate with all of you lovely people. I will be getting a new phone (an iPhone 4, I might add), so I'll need to catch up with all of you to make sure I have your correct phone numbers, and that you have my new one. I will also be on Skype, Facebook and here (Facebook is the most likely of the three, however). I am not a fan of Skype, but for the sake of cheap and easy international communication, I am resorting to using it. Keeping in mind that I almost never use Skype, bear with me as I learn how to use it as proficiently as everyone else my age.
I think that's everything for now. I'll keep this and Facebook updated once I get there and get settled in to my new life at St Andrews.
God that feels good to say.
PS. Not that many of you care, but I am not doing labels on my posts anymore. I can never figure out what to put in the box, and frankly, I can't be bothered.
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