16 October 2011

Report from Sick Bay (Report of the Week)

Sunday: Movie night watching the 1992 version of Wuthering Heights. Mocking and hilarity ensued.

Monday: Day 1 of mystery illness. I had a sore throat and felt really cold.

Tuesday: I don't think anything terribly exciting happened on Tuesday. Tuesdays are very rarely exciting.

Wednesday: Day of crisis. I discovered a lump in my neck, and automatically assumed I had cancer and that it was the end of all times. I called Mom and Dad in an absolute state of panic, and then called NHS 24 and talked to a real live nurse who confirmed Mom and Dad's diagnosis that it was a swollen gland due to me being ill rather than a cancerous tumour.

Thursday: Again, nothing exciting.

Friday: You would think that there would be something exciting because it's Friday, but no. What a let down.

Saturday: Nearly everyone was gone doing something or other, so there weren't many of us left to go out and do things. Amanda was in Edinburgh for a beginner's korfball tournament, Harry was in the wilderness somewhere for some OTC (Officer's Training Corps) thing, Miriam went home to Dundee because she is quite ill,  and Heather went home to Aberdeen for a visit. The rest of us (me, Sarah, Charlotte, Christina) went out to see Johnny English: Reborn. And that's it.

Sunday: Finally finished Great Expectations for my tutorial tomorrow! I was going to go out for fish and chips on the beach with the crew (now that they're all back), but my stomach suddenly starting hurting really badly, so I just went back to my room :( I can't wait to go to the doctor tomorrow and figure out what the flamingo is wrong with me.


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